Stress Management & Burnout Recovery


On-site or online flexibility

Valerie has a one to one consultation offering for people wanting to work on an individual basis. This offering focuses primarily on stress management and burnout.

If you would like to work on an individual basis with Valerie there are two options to choose from.  This work is time limited.

A one off session or occasional sessions are available and cost €80

A package of 6 sessions costs €420

Valerie’s spaces for this work are limited so please call on 0863398726 to arrange a phone consultation.  During this confidential consult Valerie will assess your needs and recommend if her offerings are a good fit or not.  There is no charge for this consult.  Valerie will recommend other options if she feels her services are not an appropriate fit for you.

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This is suitable for you if:    

  • Your anxiety is affecting the quality of your life negatively

  • Your work is suffering

  • Your relationships are being undermined

  • You are physically exhausted from stress/anxiety

  • You are experiencing physical symptoms such as: fatigue, digestive issue, headaches, shortness of breath, muscle or joint pain, sleep disturbance, skin irritations or regular infections.

  • You are experiencing emotional and behavioural symptoms such as, easily irritated, prone to angry outbursts, depressed feelings, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty making decisions, poor concentration, forgetful, feelings of panic, finding it difficult to get up in the morning, avoiding people and social situations or feeling stuck.

Or if you identify with any of the following:

·       No longer coping with your current workload

·       Feeling a loss of competence at work

·       Making errors

·       Poor concentration and forgetfulness

·       Sense of impending doom

·       Daily experience of stress and anxiety

·       Feeling panic

·       Feeling fearful in presentations and meetings

·       Disturbed sleep due to intrusive worry thoughts

·       Feeling exhausted physically and mentally

·       Disengaged from relationships and social interactions

·       Operating on automatic pilot/ not feeling present

·       Depressed mood

·       Irritation and angry outbursts

·       Feeling overwhelmed

·       Off work on sick leave

·      Fearful of returning to work